All your FAQs answered!
Am I ready?/Is my child ready?
How do I enter myself/my child for grading?
What to wear​
Can parents/friends/family watch?
COVID Safety/requirements to attend:
Anyone showing signs of illness will be asked to defer grading. (Consider completing a negative LFT before attending, use hand sanitiser on the way in) Please do not attend if you are in any way poorly, there will be another grading opportunity on Sept 25th.
Our hand pad's/equipment are sanitised before each grading session.
Please keep to your own water bottles and do not bring food into the premises.
The hall will be kept well ventilated.
Am I ready?/Is my child ready?
Usually, Sensei will give you an indication in class as to whether you/your child are/is able to grade. If you/your child feel(s) ready, complete the online form that you will be sent via email and wait to hear back whether you have been accepted.
We grade regularly, and as we progress through the belts, the demand increases; therefore, the time between each grade will increase to reflect the amount of effort and development needed to complete the belt grading successfully.
How do I enter myself/my child for grading?
Near the time of grading, an online grading registration form will be sent to you via email. Please fully complete this form and return via email. You will then be informed if you/ your child are/is able to grade.
What to wear for grading
UNIFORM is compulsory, those not wearing this on the day will not be permitted to grade (Red Dragons T-shirt is fine) Also, get practising your 'fortune cookie' knot belt tying skills if you have a belt and have not yet mastered that.
Please do not forget your gloves and any other RD equipment you have, if you are sparring (blue belts and above) you will need gloves, a gum shield and a head guard (limited Gloves, Wraps, Shin Pads and Head Guards are available to purchase from us on the day, we do not currently sell gum shields)
You will not be permitted to grade if you are not wearing the correct Red Dragons uniform and current belt.
What to bring
Please bring:
Water - essential
Gi Uniform
£30 cash for grading free
Wraps (if you have them)
How much does it cost?
It cost £30 to grade (please bring cash).
Dos & Don'ts
When you are grading, expectations are high for behaviour and you must not talk while Sensei is delivering instructions. Failure to abide by these rules will result in Sensei asking you to sit down and at that point, your grading will be finished.
Please do not eat while on the grading premises (unless you/your child has a medical condition and with prior agreement from Sensei).
While grading is in progress, you must remain in the grading room. If you need to use the facilities then you must ask Sensei or one of the supporting staff.
Can I watch my child/friend/family member?
We are still keen to do our part to conduct a safe environment for all, so with Covid and also efforts to provide a sufficient and unobstructed grading space we would like to limit the footfall in and out of the venue. Therefore, spectators are limited to just pre-school-aged Teeny Titans and anyone with SEN or medical requirements where one parent/carer/guardian is permitted. Please do not spectate if you are at all unwell, use the hand sanitiser on your way in, stay clear of the grading floor area and consider the use of a face mask when unseated. Thank you.
Graders should bring a water bottle. Due to the nature of the event and individuals with allergies, food is not permitted nor required; it is possible to ensure a substantial meal is had in good time before attending, something that will last the duration (high in carbs)
Photography - We have always taken photos/live feeds at grading events to celebrate the hard work everyone puts in. We share these on our closed community FB group and possibly on the Red Dragons Martial Arts FB Page. Some photos may be used in our promotion. If you are opposed to you or your child being in these, please let us know by email before the event so that we can blur any images and be aware on the day.
Where and when
Our grading usually takes place at Horfield Methodists' Church but please check our calendar for the most up-to-date information.
Grading System & Syllabus
We grade with the WUMA and their freestyle kickboxing syllabus and the belt progression is as follows:
Brown 1st Kyu
Brown 2nd Kyu
Brown 3rd Kyu
Black Belt 1st Dan
RDMA Expectations
Full uniform and belt to be worn.
Focus, listen and no talking from bow to bow.
Although our classes are fun and can be light-hearted, grading is very serious and Sensei will be focused on getting the most out of the members. Therefore, please refrain from creating any distractions and abide by all the rules. Sensei will expect the highest of standards from all the members. Failure to comply may lead to your removal from the grading.